The ‘Council of Boards of School Education’ will be a consortium of all the boards of School Education in India.
Advisory services and facilitation of implementation of National Education Policy (NEP - 2020).
To act as a central bureau of information and facilitating communication as a service agency.
To promote school education and extend necessary help and support to the member boards.
To work for curriculum reforms and improvement of education system
Setting up School Education Board and conduct public evaluation for promotion of quality education in accordance with National Education Policy (NEP – 2020).
To respond to issues of national concerns like Population, education and disaster management.
To interact with NCERT / NUEPA / NCTE and other agencies for improving quality of education.
To work for promoting girl child education.
To award scholarships to brilliant students who are unable to continue with their studies due to financial constrains despite their interest in studies.
To help member boards all over India and to undertake periodical surveys.
To establish and maintain organizations dealing with youth welfare, students service, cultural programs and other necessary activities for the betterment of students.
To enhance the opportunity for education to all especially the weaker sections of the society in continuing with their studies.
To extend help to Board Members in preparing quality syllabus and course materials of Secondary and Senior Secondary by eminent scholars / educationists.
To suggest the Boards for running short term, certificate and vocational courses in the school education.
To suggest all the Boards to impart education through educational programs, documentaries, short film etc.
To suggest and help member boards to start various technical and professional courses along with the main courses.